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Communication enables agents to cooperate to achieve their goals. Learning when to communicate, i.e., sparse (in time) communication, and whom to message is particularly important when bandwidth is limited. Recent work in learning sparse individualized communication, however, suffers from high variance during training, where decreasing communication comes at the cost of decreased reward, particularly in cooperative tasks. We use the information bottleneck to reframe sparsity as a representation learning problem, which we show naturally enables lossless sparse communication at lower budgets than prior art. In this paper, we propose a method for true lossless sparsity in communication via Information Maximizing Gated Sparse Multi-Agent Communication (IMGS-MAC). Our model uses two individualized regularization objectives, an information maximization autoencoder and sparse communication loss, to create informative and sparse communication. We evaluate the learned communication `language' through direct causal analysis of messages in non-sparse runs to determine the range of lossless sparse budgets, which allow zero-shot sparsity, and the range of sparse budgets that will inquire a reward loss, which is minimized by our learned gating function with few-shot sparsity. To demonstrate the efficacy of our results, we experiment in cooperative multi-agent tasks where communication is essential for success. We evaluate our model with both continuous and discrete messages. We focus our analysis on a variety of ablations to show the effect of message representations, including their properties, and lossless performance of our model.
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在本文草案中,我们考虑了安全控制系统安全索引或(控制屏障函数(松散))相对程度等于两个的问题的问题。我们考虑参数仿射非线性动态系统,并假设参数不确定性是统一的,并且已知A-Priori或通过估算器/参数适应定律在线更新。在这种不确定性下,通常的CBF-QP安全控制方法采用了强大的优化问题的形式。不等式约束的右侧和左侧都取决于未知参数。通过给定的不确定性表示,CBF-QP安全控制最终是凸半无限问题的问题。使用两种不同的哲学,一种基于弱二元性,另一个基于无损S生产的哲学,我们得出了此强大的CBF-QP问题的相同的SDP公式。因此,我们表明,可以将具有已知参数不确定性的安全控制的问题提出为可处理的凸问题并在线解决。 (这是正在进行的工作)。
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Adversarial Imitation Learning (AIL) is a class of popular state-of-the-art Imitation Learning algorithms commonly used in robotics. In AIL, an artificial adversary's misclassification is used as a reward signal that is optimized by any standard Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithm. Unlike most RL settings, the reward in AIL is $differentiable$ but current model-free RL algorithms do not make use of this property to train a policy. The reward is AIL is also shaped since it comes from an adversary. We leverage the differentiability property of the shaped AIL reward function and formulate a class of Actor Residual Critic (ARC) RL algorithms. ARC algorithms draw a parallel to the standard Actor-Critic (AC) algorithms in RL literature and uses a residual critic, $C$ function (instead of the standard $Q$ function) to approximate only the discounted future return (excluding the immediate reward). ARC algorithms have similar convergence properties as the standard AC algorithms with the additional advantage that the gradient through the immediate reward is exact. For the discrete (tabular) case with finite states, actions, and known dynamics, we prove that policy iteration with $C$ function converges to an optimal policy. In the continuous case with function approximation and unknown dynamics, we experimentally show that ARC aided AIL outperforms standard AIL in simulated continuous-control and real robotic manipulation tasks. ARC algorithms are simple to implement and can be incorporated into any existing AIL implementation with an AC algorithm. Video and link to code are available at: https://sites.google.com/view/actor-residual-critic.
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